Sergio A. Cellone
Galaxias Enanas
- Evolutionary properties of the low-luminosity galaxy
population in the NGC 5044 Group
Buzzoni A., Cellone S. A., Saracco P., Zucca E.
2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, aceptado
- Galaxy populations in the Antlia cluster - III. Properties
of faint early-type galaxies
Smith Castelli A. V., Cellone S. A., Faifer F. R., Bassino L. P., Richtler
T., Romero G. A., Calderón J. P., Caso J. P.
2012, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, 2472-2488
- Galaxy
populations in the Antlia cluster. I. Photometric properties of early-type
Smith Castelli A. V., Bassino L. P., Richtler T., Cellone S. A., Aruta C.,
Infante L.
2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 386, 2311-2322
The low-luminosity galaxy population in the NGC 5044 Group
Cellone S. A., Buzzoni A.
2005, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 356, 41-53
On the shape of luminosity profiles of dwarf galaxies as a distance
indicator: the NGC 5044 Group revisited
Cellone S. A., Buzzoni A.
2001, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 369, 742-749
Surface brightness profiles of dwarf galaxies in the NGC 5044 Group: A
critical revision of the luminosity - shape relation as a distance
Cellone S. A.
1999, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 345, 403-413
The peculiar morphology of the irregular galaxy NGC 1427A
Cellone S. A., Forte J. C.
1997, The Astronomical Journal, 113, 1239-1249
Washington photometry of low surface brightness dwarf galaxies in the
Fornax Cluster: constraints on their stellar populations
Cellone S. A., Forte J. C.
1996, The Astrophysical Journal, 416, 176-185
A morphological and color study of Fornax low surface
brightness galaxies in the Washington system
Cellone S. A., Forte J. C., Geisler D.
1994, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 93, 397-424
- The
low-luminosity galaxy population in the NGC 5044 Group
Cellone S. A., Buzzoni A.
2005, ESO Astrophysics Symposia: Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby
Universe, ed. I. Saviane, V. D.Ivanov, J. Borissova (Springer), p. 91-95
- Dwarf galaxies in the Antlia Cluster: First results
Smith-Castelli A. V., Bassino L. P., Cellone S. A., Richtler T., Dirsch B.,
Infante L., Aruta C., Gómez M.
2005, ESO Astrophysics Symposia: Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby
Universe, ed. I. Saviane, V. D.Ivanov, J. Borissova (Springer), p. 109-110
- Study of intracluster diffuse light within the Fornax
Cifuentes Cárdenas A., Cellone S. A., Forte J. C.
2005, ESO Astrophysics Symposia: Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby
Universe, ed. I. Saviane, V. D.Ivanov, J. Borissova (Springer), p. 113-114
- NGC 5044-N50: a link between blue compact galaxies and dwarf
Cellone S. A., Buzzoni A.
2001, en "New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics: The link between Stars and
Cosmology", Astroph. & Space Library Vol. 274, p. 153-154
(Dordrecht: Kluwer)
Low surface brightness dwarf galaxies
Cellone S. A.
1998, Proceedings of Workshop Science with GEMINI
(Florianópolis, Brasil), p. 100., ed. B. Barbuy, E. Lapasset,
R. Baptista, & R. Cid Fernandes (IAG-USP & UFSC)
Surface photometry of the irregular galaxy NGC 1427A
Cellone S. A., Forte J. C.
1996, Boletín de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Vol. 62 (III
Reunión Regional de Astronomía Extragaláctica:
"The Formation and Evolution of Galaxies", Córdoba),
p. 103-106
- Structure and colors of dwarf elliptical galaxies in the Fornax
Cellone S. A., Forte J. C., Geisler D.
1992, en "The Stellar Populations of Galaxies", IAU Symposium 149,
p. 404, ed. B. Barbuy & A. Renzini (Dordrecht: Kluwer)
Cúmulos Globulares
Globular cluster candidates within the Fornax Cluster: Intracluster
Bassino L. P., Cellone S. A., Forte J. C., Dirsch B.
2003, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 399, 489-496
A polarimetric survey for dust in 47 Tucanae (NGC 104)
Forte J. C., Bassino L. P., Vega E. I., Pellizza González L. J.,
Cellone S. A., Méndez M.
2002, The Astronomical Journal, 123, 3263-3276
Dust within globular clusters: A large bubble in NGC
Forte J. C., Cellone S. A., Méndez M., Vega E. I.
1992, The Astrophysical Journal, 388, 383-391
- A search for globular clusters in the surroundings of dwarf
galaxies in Fornax: intracluster globulars?
Bassino L. P., Cellone S. A., Forte J. C.
2002, IAU Symp. 207: "Extragalactic Star Clusters" (Astronomical Society of
the Pacific), p. 345-347
Núcleos Galácticos Activos
Polarization and photometric observations of the gamma-ray blazar PG
Andruchow I., Combi J. A., Muñoz-Arjonilla A. J., Romero G. E., Cellone
S. A., Martí J.
2011, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 531, A38 (1-4)
- Incidence
of the host galaxy on the measured optical linear polarization of
Andruchow I., Cellone S. A., Romero G. E.
2008, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 388, 1766-1774
- Unveiling
the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. VI. A
multi-observatory identification campaign
Masetti N., Mason E., Morelli L., Cellone S. A., McBride V. A., Palazzi E.,
Bassani L., Bazzano A., Bird A. J., Charles P. A., Dean A. J., Galaz G.,
Gehrels N., Landi R., Malizia A., Minniti D., Panessa F., Romero G. E.,
Stephen J. B., Ubertini P., Walter R.
2008, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 482, 113-132
Extreme photo-polarimetric behaviour of the blazar AO 0235+164
Cellone S. A., Romero G. E., Combi J. A., Martí J.
2007, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 381, L60-L64
- Extremely violent optical microvariability in blazars: fact
or fiction?
Cellone S. A., Romero G. E., Araudo A. T.
2007, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 374, 357-364
Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in
2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis
Raiteri C. M., Villata M., Kadler M., Ibrahimov M. A., Kurtanidze
O. M., Larionov V. M., Tornikoski M., Boltwood P., Lee C.-U.,
Aller M. F., Romero G. E., Aller H .D., Araudo A. T.,
Arkharov A. A., Bach U., Barnaby D., Berdyugin A., Buemi C. S.,
Carini M. T., Carosati D., Cellone S. A., y 39 coautores
2006, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 459, 731-743
1622-253: A weakly accreting, powerful gamma ray source
Punsly B., Rodriguez L. F., Tingay S., Cellone S. A. 2005, The
Astrophysical Journal, 633, L93-L96
Polarization microvariability of BL Lac objects
Andruchow I., Romero G. E., Cellone S. A.
2005, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 442, 97-107
The WEBT campaign to observe AO 0235+16 in the 2003-2004 observing
season. Results from radio-to-optical monitoring and XMM-Newton
Raiteri C. M., Villata M., Ibrahimov M. A., Larionov V. M., Kadler M.,
Aller H .D., Aller M. F., Kovalev Y. Y., Lanteri L., Nilsson K.,
Papadakis I. E., Pursimo T., Romero G. E., Teräsranta H., Tornikoski M.,
Arkharov A. A., Barnaby D., Berdyugin A., Böttcher M., Byckling K.,
Carini M. T., Carosati D., Cellone S. A., y 44 coautores
2005, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 438, 39-53
Microvariability in the optical polarization of 3C279
Andruchow I., Cellone S. A., Romero G. E., Dominici T. P., Abraham Z.
2003, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 409, 857-865
Optical microvariability of EGRET blazars
Romero G. E., Cellone S. A., Combi J. A., Andruchow I.
2002, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 390, 431-438
Extreme intranight variability in the BL Lacertae object AO
Romero G. E., Cellone S. A., Combi J. A.
2000, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 360, L47-L50
Two-color photometry with high temporal resolution of the extremely
variable blazar PKS 0537-441
Romero G. E., Cellone S. A., Combi J. A.
2000, The Astronomical Journal 120, 1192-1197
The incidence of the host galaxy in microvariability observations of
Cellone S. A., Romero G. E., Combi J. A.
2000, The Astronomical Journal 119, 1534-1541
Optical microvariability of southern AGNs
Romero G. E., Cellone S. A., Combi J. A.
1999, Astronomy & Astrophysics Supp., 135, 477-486
- High-temporal resolution optical observations of the gamma-ray
blazar PG 1553+113
Andruchow I., Combi J. A., Cellone S. A., Muñoz-Arjonilla A. J., Romero
G. E., Martí J.
2011, Jets at all Scales, Proceedings of the International Astronomical
Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 275, p. 190-191
- Identification of 2 INTEGRAL sources via Swift/XRT plus CASLEO
Masetti N., Cellone S. A., Landi R., Palazzi E., Stephen J. B., Dean A. J.,
Minniti D., Romero G. E., Ubertini P., Gehrels N., Burrows D.
2007, The Astronomer's Telegram #1034
- Spectroscopy of six optical candidates to unidentified
INTEGRAL sources
Masetti N., Morelli L., Cellone S. A., Bassani L., Malizia A., Bazzano A.,
Bird A. J., Galaz G., Romero G. E., Walter R.
2007, The Astronomer's Telegram #1033
- Fenómenos violentos en
núcleos galácticos activos
Cellone S. A.
2004, Boletín de la Asociación Argentina de Astronomía
47, 312
Microvariability in the southern gamma-ray blazar PKS
Romero G. E., Combi J. A., Cellone S. A.
2000, Proceedings of the Fifth Compton Symposium, ed. M. L. McConnell &
J. M. Ryan, (New York: American Institute of Physics), p. 333-336
Asteroides y Centauros
- Observations of minor planets (11 objetos)
Orellana R. B., Melita M., Cellone S.
2001, Minor Planet Circulars No. 43157
- Observations of minor planets (3102-Krok, 5863-Tara)
Cellone S. A., Orellana R. B.
2000, Minor Planet Circulars No. 39019
- Observations of minor planets (2060-Chiron)
Orellana R. B., Cellone S. A., Silva A.
1998, Minor Planet Circulars No. 33165
Astrofísica estelar
The intriguing nature of the high energy gamma ray source XSS
de Martino D., Falanga M., Bonnet-Bidaud J.-M., Belloni T., Mouchet M.,
Masetti N., Andruchow I., Cellone S. A., Mukai K., Matt G.
2010, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 515, A25
Optical polarimetric observations of the microquasar LS 5039
Combi J. A., Cellone S. A., Martí J., Ribó M., Mirabel I. F.,
Casares J.
2004, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 427, 959-963
Spin Periodicity Measurements of White Dwarfs Hosted in Southern Hard X-Ray
Intermediate Polar Candidates
Andruchow I., Masetti N., de Martino D., Cellone S. A., Mason E.,
Bonnet-Bidaud J.-M.
2010, International Journal of Modern Physics D, 19, 797-803
- HESS J1614-518: detection of X-ray emitting stars by
Swift/XRT possibly associated with an open cluster
Landi R., Masetti N., Bassani L., Cellone S. A., Romero G. E., Ubertini P.,
Dean A.J.
2007, The Astronomer's Telegram #1047
Photometric and polarimetric observations of the Wolf-Rayet
eclipsing binary HD 5980 in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Cellone S. A., Barbá R., Niemela V., Feinstein C., Morrell N.,
Cerruti M. A., García L., Moffat A. F. J., Baume G., Brandi E.,
Orsatti A. M., Vega I., Martínez R. E., Waldhausen S., Bosch
G., Méndez M., Ostrov P., Fernández-Lajús
1996, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica
(Serie Conferencias) (Proceedings of International Workshop:
"Colliding Winds in Binary Stars", La Plata, Argentina), 5, 123-125
HD 5980: the Wolf-Rayet binary that became a Luminous Blue
Barbá R., Morrell N., Niemela V., Bosch G., González J. F.,
Lappaset E., Ferrer O. E., Brandi E., Cellone S. A., García B.,
Malaroda S., Levato H., Donzelli C., Feinstein C., Rich M.
1996, Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica
(Serie Conferencias) (Proceedings of International Workshop:
"Colliding Winds in Binary Stars", La Plata, Argentina), 5, 85-91
Instrumentos astronómicos
- La imagen del telescopio de 2,15
m de la UNLP en CASLEO: la perspectiva de un usuario
Cellone S. A.
2006, Workshop sobre astronomía observacional en Argentina: problemas y
perspectivas, p. 1-10, ed. P. Benaglia & S. A. Cellone (La Plata: AAA)
- Informe al Comité
Científico sobre calidad de la imagen con el telescopio "Jorge
Sahade" de CASLEO
Cellone S. A.
Velocidades radiales con el espectrógrafo REOSC en
dispersión simple
Cellone S. A.
1997, Informe del Staff Nro. 3, CASLEO.
Tiempos de exposición mínimos, delay times,
y nueva corrección
Cellone S. A.
1996, Informe del Staff Nro. 2, CASLEO.
Corrección a los tiempos de exposición con CCD
Cellone S. A.
1996, Informe del Staff Nro. 1, CASLEO.