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Facultades de la UNLP Universidades argentinas Imágenes astronómicas Telescopios

Enlaces a páginas con Imágenes astronómicas:

APM Galaxy Survey
The APM Galaxy Survey contains over 2 million galaxies with Bj < 20.5 in the South Galactic Cap. This page provides a summary of the survey and some pretty pictures.
APS Image Database (University of Minnesota)
A searchable database of images scanned from the Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. This resource is tied into the Automated Plate Scanner (APS) Object Catalog, providing both pixels and calibrated positions, magnitudes, and other information.
Alex's Astroseite
Astrophotography in the uckermark, Germany [in German].
A descriptive view of the analemma using computer animations and graphics.
Armagh Planetarium
An astronomical resource for educators and Planetarium workers which contains images obtained through our telescopes and a variety of other material.
Astrofotografia FotoEstrella (Astrophotography)
The beauty of the nocturnal landscape can be grabbed by using simple photo cameras that can be adjusted manually for f/stop setting and for long exposures.
Astrogallery (by Dominic Cantin)
Astronomical CCD Imaging
Includes a section with a CCD Galaxy Atlas.
Astronomical CCD Imaging
Includes a section with a CCD Galaxy Atlas.
Astronomical Illustrations, Russell Kightley Media
Illustrations of accretion disks, classic T Tauri star, white dwarfs, magnetic phenomena.
Astronomical Image Library
We're undertaking the task of indexing the wealth of astronomical images available on the Internet. To use the service, you just have to go to the URL mentioned and type the name of the object you are looking for. If our database knows where an image of this object is located, you just have to click on the resulting link(s) to obtain a picture of it. We're currently indexing approximately 15,000 images and more are being added regularly.
Astronomical Images from the AAO
The images available here are low resolution scanned derivatives of over 100 AAO photographs.
Astronomical pictures and animations (CRI Bordeaux)
At CRI Bordeaux, an Astronomy Server of pictures & animations. There is a mirror copy at Nice.
Astronomie au Quebec
Groupe Astro & CCD. [In french]
INACTIVE LINK ? - 173 --- Astronomy Gallery
Site dedicated to Astrophotography.
INACTIVE LINK ? - 32 --- Astronomy Image Gallery
Astronomy Photograph Gallery
This page has links to astronomical photographs taken by the author, as well as fellow associates working at JPL's Table Mountain Observatory. All pictures have individual pages with full explanations of the photographic processes, as well as the particular circumstances surrounding the events shown.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
Each day we feature a new picture of our spectacular universe. Browse through our extensive annotated archive. Intended for all educational levels.
Astrophotography by Matt BenDaniel
Color images of Nebulae and other objects at optical wavelengths, using Astro-Physics refractors, medium format film, and highly refined image processing.
Astrophotography from Chile
Automated Plate Scanner (APS, Univ. Minnesota)
The APS Catalog of the POSS I contains millions of entries for stars and galaxies, and the corresponding Image Database contains their pixels and more. The data behind the Object Catalog and Image Database are generated from digitized Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. Object Catalog entries include calibrated magnitudes in two colors, positions to 0.2 arcseconds, confidence measures on neural network image classifications, colors, and various other useful parameters.
Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO)
This site contains daily images from our solar optical telescope at Big Bear, California. Fulldisk images for the current month. H-alpha, white light, and Ca-II K-line images are generally available for every observing day; Ca-II K-line fulldisk archive; H-alpha fulldisk archive; White light fulldisk archive; Current high-resolution region images; Programs to read FITS images on IBM PCs and Macintoshes.
BinoSky - best bets for viewing the night sky through binoculars (BinoSky)
A guide to the best bets for viewing the night sky through binoculars. Images and maps on consistent scales, with consistent exposures.
Black Star's Astrophotography Page
An Astrophotography page with over 120 contributed images.
Black Sun Eclipse website (Eric Flescher)
This website contains information about eclipses, accounts and photographs, eclipses links, online presentation (10 myths of Eclipses), and other information and news about asteroids, comets, etc.
CCD Images of Messier Objects (Messier Objects)
High Quality CCD Images of Messier Objects gathered at a variety of observatories by the maintainer . Some amateur CCD images obtained at the Pine Mountain Observatory can be found here as well.
INACTIVE LINK ? - 32 --- CcdBazar
This site (mostly in French) carries information about usage of CCD by amateurs for astronomical photography.
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (CEPS / RPIF)
Center for Earth and Planetary Studies and its Regional Planetary Image Facility (RPIF) located at the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution are pleased to announce the availability of its WWW server. The purpose of this NASA supported RPIF is to act as a reference library providing planetary science researchers with access to the extensive collection of image data from planetary missions. Currently we are in the process of placing some of the 300,000 photographs and images of the planets and their satellites in our collection online.
Coelum, Mensile di Astronomia Scienza e Telescopi
European astronomical monthly magazine [in Italian].
Comet Home Page
A page about comets.
Comet Observation Home Page
Provides information on current (bright) comets including recent observations and ephemeridies. Images and light curves of current and past comets are also available.
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (ESO)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (NASA-GSFC)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (NASA-JPL)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter (SEDS-LPL, Ariz.)
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Encounters Jupiter - Latest HST Images (STScI)
Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE, Argentina)
Information on the Centro Regional de Datos Satelitales (CREDAS) and on Argentina's National Space Plan
Constellation Photos
Northern Hemisphere Constellation Photos and photos of Hale-Bopp Comet. All photos taken with 400 asa film and a 50mm lens.
Deep Sky CCD Imaging (amateur atrophotography)
Growing gallery of galaxies, clusters and nebulae pictures (including complete Messier list) taken with Cookbook CCD camera and 8-inch telescope. CCD mosaics of large objects: North America, M31, etc. Stereogram of comet Hyakutake - see it float in space...
Deep-sky.Org includes deep-sky images, taken by well known astrophotographers from around the world. It features a large and complete graphical Messier object reference.
Digital Archive of Historical Astronomy Pictures (DAHAP)
A collection of images from the history of astronomy, for use in research and teaching.
INACTIVE LINK ? - 232 --- Digital Images of the Sky, Bonn
A collection of astronomical images taken with the instruments of the Astronomical Institutes of the University of Bonn (AIUB) by Till Credner and Sven Kohle et al.
INACTIVE LINK ? - 32 --- Drawings of comets
A site which contains about 20 interesting drawings of various comets. All supplied with observational data such as field of wiew, magnification used, etc. All text is unfortunately in norwegian only.
ESO Photo Gallery - Astronomical Images
Earth Observation Science group, Leicester University (EOS group)
Find out about the varied research projects and teaching activities of the EOS group at Leicester University. See the satellite image gallery, learn about the ATSR space-bourne instruments and read about the successful MSc course in Earth Observation Science.
INACTIVE LINK ? - 32 --- Eclipmania Eclipse Website (Eclipses, Astronomy & Satellite information)
Features astronomy, satellites, iridium flares, shuttle mission info, ISS and eclipses of the sun and moon
FITSview FITS image viewers (FITSview)
The FITSview family of viewers for FITS format astronomical images are available for Microsoft Windows (FITSview), Apple Macintosh (MacFITSview) and Unix/X-Windows (XFITSview) computer systems. These viewers have easy to use graphical controls and will display astronomical images in the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) format allowing zooming, scrolling, modifying the brightness, contrast and pseudo color and allow determination of celestial positions and the physical brightness units in the image. Both standard World Coordinate System (WCS) and Digitized Sky Survey
Franz Niklaus König: Celestial atlas (1826)
High Energy Astrophysics Observatories (HEASARC. GSFC. NASA)
Comprehensive list of satellites with high energy astrophysics instrumentation. Includes images from these missions.
High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment (HEXTE)
The High Energy X-ray Timing Experiment is one of 3 common-user instruments on board the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) which was launched on 1995 December 30. The HEXTE is sensitive to X-rays from 15 to 250 keV and is able to time-tag photons in this energy range to 8 microseconds.
Hubble European Space Agency Information Center
Hubble Heritage Project
A striking astronomical image, created by the Hubble Heritage team, is released at this site the first Thursday of every month. As well as creating color images from the exposures in the Hubble Telescope Data Archive, this project has voting events for choosing observing targets at this website.
Hubble Heritage Project Index
The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) is a research tool dedicated to scientific studies of nature. By emphasizing compelling HST images distilled from scientific data, we hope to pique curiosity about our astrophysical understanding of the universe we all inhabit.
Hubble Space Telescope
The best images from the Hubble space telescope.
Hubble Space Telescope - European HST Public Outreach (HST, at ST-ECF)
ESA based public outreach service focusing on European HST science.
Hubble Space Telescope - pictures
Publicly released images from post-servicing observations by Hubble Space Telescope. The images in this directory are in GIF format which supports up to 256 colors (8-bits). They include 30 Doradus, 47 Tucanae, Comet 1993e, Eta Carinae, Mars, M31, M87, M100, NGC1068, NGC2440, NGC6624, NGC7252, Nova Cygni, Orion (incl. animation), QSO1220+204, the Saturn storm, SL-9, SN1987A (with rings), and SN1994I. The images have originally been made available by the Office of Public Outreach of the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Hubble Space Telescope picture gallery
a mousable sequence of press release photographs taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST).
Hubble Space Telescope public images and other information
images, movies and animations from some of the observations by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). They are made available by the Office of Public Outreach of the Space Telescope Science Institute. See also: TIFFs & GIFs ( Levay), ExInEd (Macs-only)
INFRARED ASTRONOMY - IPAC's Educational Outreach
All about infrared astronomy: Discover of infrared, What is infrared, history, the infrared universe, gallery, activities, discoveries, missions, catalogs from NASA's infrared astronomy center (IPAC).
IPAC Image Gallery
This gallery provides images from projects that have been and currently are being supported by IPAC: IRAS, ISO, 2MASS, WIRE, MSX.
Image Processing CD-ROM
The IMAGE PROCESSING TOOLS CD-ROM contains a huge selection of files related to the topics of image processing, file formats and documentation, format conversions, specialized image processing applications, and source code for algorithms, converters, and complete image processing systems. The disk also includes a large amount of FITS information, CCD imaging software, and specialized astronomical image processing software.
Infrared Space Observatory Science Gallery (ISOSG)
This gallery is devoted to scientific results from ISO. Each main class of ISO Astronomy target (Solar System Object, Normal galaxies etc.) has it's own sub-gallery complete with links to full size versions of the thumbnail and background material on the observed object.
Io - Jupiter's Volcanic Moon
An in-depth study of the volcanic features and processes on Jupiter's volcanic moon Io.
Isaac Newton Group - La Palma (ING)
The Issac Newton Group consists of three telescopes, the 4.2 metre William Herschel Telescope, the 2.5 metre Isaac Newton Telescope, and the 1 metre Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope. They are situated at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, and are operated by the Royal Observatories of the UK. This resource contains documentation for many of the major instruments, details of how to apply for time, brief descriptions of the telescopes, details and status of the service programme, current telescope schedules, weather information for La Palma, and pointers to other institutions which share the site.
The site is mirrored at for faster access to UK users.
JPL planetary images
WAIS index to captions and planetary GIF images from Jet Propulsion Laboratory's (JPL's) Public Information Office.
Javier Sánchez's Space Art Galery
Computer generated realistic images of planets, landscapes, stars, galaxies, etc. [in Spanish].
Jeff MacQuarrie's Astronomy Homepage
CCD images taken with a 16" Newtonian and "Cookbook" CB245 camera. Images include nebulae, galaxies and star clusters. Each image is accompanied by a description of the object, how the image was taken, and links to further information and images.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Images and Videos (JPL)
This is a public access site containing information on and images from missions conducted by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory; it is operated by the JPL Public Information Office.
La Linterna Roja - Astronomía
Astromony web which includes photos, articles and essays, cool links, updated news and a full section of astronomical humour. [in Spanish].
Las Brisas Observatory (LBO)
Astrophotographs from The Las Brisas Observatory.
Leonardo da VINCI - Interferometry (VINCI)
VINCI is the VLT INnterferometer Commissionning Instrument, a collaboration of ESO, DESPA (Observatoire de Paris), MPE and OMP. It combines the light coming from two telescopes using single-mode fluoride glass optical fibers.
Low Surface Brightness Galaxies (Barely Visible Galaxies)
Example CCD Images of Low Surface Brightness galaxies obtained from a long term survey for these objects. Recent Papers on these objects can also be found at this site.
MSSS Viking Image Archive
Provides access to a large fraction of the set of images taken by the Viking orbiters from 1976 to 1980
Magellan Image Browser
Magellan Mission to Venus - Online Resources (PDS Imaging Node. JPL. NASA)
A list of high-quality web-based resources related to the Magellan mission to Venus. Includes direct links to the PDS-archived data stored in CD-ROM jukeboxes, and a browser to view the data.
Magellanic Cloud Emission-line Survey (MCELS, UM/CTIO)
MCELS is a survey of two of our nearest neighboring galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. The survey is done in the bright emission of Hydrogen (Halpha 6563), Sulfur ([S II] 6724), and Oxygen ([O III] 5007) from the interstellar gas of these two galaxies to study the properties, kinematics, and dynamics of the "violent" interstellar medium. Although the project just started recently, one can already see some samples of the utility as well as the beauty of emission-line imaging which will be brought to the astronomical community and the public in general. The survey is performed with the University of Michigan's Curtis Schmidt telescope, a 0.6/0.9m Schmidt located on Cerro Tololo and run by CTIO under a cooperative agreement with the University of Michigan.
Mars Atlas (-- online USGS maps and VO image finder)
A WWW-browsable, zoomable and scrollable atlas of USGS images of Mars, showing the locations (footprints) of thousands of high-resolution Viking Orbiter images.
Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Space Sciences (AMSEE)
The "Association Mediterranenne des Sciences de l'Environnement et de l'Espace" or Mediterranean Association of Environmental and Space Sciences is a non profit organisation established late 1990. Since then the Association has installed two telescopes, one designed for the observation of planets and double stars under the Mosser Dome and another for deep sky observing under the Messier Dome. CCDs observing for amateur size telescope has been the major interest of the members since the beginning.
Messier Pages at SEDS
Images and short information for each of the 110 Deep Sky Objects of Messier's catalog, together with various indices and reference material. Including historic and observational stuff, and a big image collection.
Multiwavelength Astronomy - Revealing the Universe in All of its Light
An overview of multiwavelength astronomy which includes numerous images. Discusses why we need to study the Universe at all wavelengths, why we need to send telescopes into space, what unique information do we receive by studying different types of radiation from space. This site also includes many links to multiwavelength galleries and detailed tutorials on each wavelength region.
Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies
A Multiwavelength Atlas of Galaxies is presented as an educational tool for high school students. Optical, X-ray, Far-Infrared and Radio images are shown for a variety of nearby galaxies. Text describing the physical mechanisms of the different types of radiation, and their astronomical sources is supplied.
Multiwavelength Messier Museum (SIRTF Education and Outreach)
This site is a collection of images taken at different wavelengths by a variety of ground-based and space-borne observatories. In the detailed tutorial which accompanies each object, you will be introduced to the wealth of data available at wavelengths beyond the familiar visible light we are accustomed to seeing. You will discover some important characteristics of astronomical phenomena, and learn about which types of radiation are best suited to studying certain objects. By comparing images of objects obtained at different wavelengths, you will be able to interpret interesting features, and discover why certain objects emit, or do not emit, radiation at various wavelengths.
Multiwavelength Milky Way
Images of the Milky Way galaxy in the light of several spectral lines and continuum bands, spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from radio to high-energy gamma-ray, are presented. The display is interactive, allowing zooming and panning of the images, each of which covers the entire sky within ten degrees of the Galactic plane. Explanatory text and links to the data sources and references are included. The Multiwavelength Milky Way site is an educational service of the Astrophysics Data Facility at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
NASA JSC Digital Image Collection
NASA Shuttle flights - pictures
Pretty pictures from many NASA Shuttle flights, including STS-61 in December 1993 to service the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The images in this directory are mirrored from the site at:
NASA astronomy images
NASA's Planetary Photojournal
The Planetary Photojournal is designed to provide easy access to the press released images from various Solar System exploration programs. These are highly processed images, suitable for general viewing or publishing. Each image is shown with its original caption published at the time the image was first released. Images may be downloaded at full resolution in a variety of formats. Links to hard copy vendors are also provided.
NASA/MSU Center for Educational Resources (CERES)
An extensive library of interactive K-12 materials for teaching astronomy including classroom-ready lesson plans, NASA data search engines and distance learning courses for in-service K-12 teachers.
NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library (NCSA ADIL)
The purpose of the NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library is to collect fully processed astronomical images in FITS format format and make them available to the research community and the general public via the World Wide Web. The collection will contain images from research observatories all over the world and taken at all wavebands.
NSSDC Photo Gallery
The images presented in the Photo Gallery have a number of different sources, primarily NASA missions, however. They are generally organized by object and/or phenomenon on separate pages. The source of the image as well as the processing involved in producing the image have been included whereever possible. Photo captions for some images are also available.
National Schools' Observatory (NSO)
The National Schools' Observatory is a major web-based resource that allows UK schools to use world-class astronomical telescopes sited all around the world.

Using the resources and software developed by the Observatory, students can prepare and carry out their own astronomical research and share in the excitement of discovery.
National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO)
The National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO) at Lowell Observatory and Northern Arizona University is a 0.8m telescope located on Anderson Mesa south of Flagstaff, Arizona. NURO is a consortium of Universities and small colleges to provide a research grade telescope for undergraduate research and education.
Nine Planets (a tour of the solar system)
A descriptive page about each major object in the solar system.
Nordic Optical Telescope - Staff members (NOTSTAFF)
Personnel at the NOT, info and pictures.
Observation of the Sun with a spectroheliograph
Description of an amateur realization: a spectroheliograph with linear CCD, by Phil Rousselle. Archives: full disk images of the Sun (H-alpha an ionized calcium lines), synoptic maps of sunspots and filaments, etc. [French and english pages].
Out of This World star atlas exhibition
An exhibition of rare star maps and atlases from the History of Science Collection of the Linda Hall Library
PDS Imaging Node's Planetary Image Atlas (PDSIMG Atlas)
The Atlas is designed to be a single interface through which you can search for, display, and download full resolution data for all planetary missions. It will eventually replace individual existing browsers. Until that time, links to the individual browsers are provided from this central location. Current missions included in the Atlas are: Magellan, Clementine, Viking, Mars Pathfinder, and Galileo.
Views of the Solar System presents a vivid multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more. Discover the latest scientific information, or study the history of space exploration, rocketry, early astronauts, space missions, spacecraft through a vast archive of photographs, scientific facts, text, graphics and videos.
Planetary Data System Imaging Node (PDSIMG)
The Imaging Node of the Planetary Data System is the curator of NASA's primary digital image collections from past, present, and future planetary missions. The node provides to the NASA planetary science community the digital image archives, necessary ancillary datasets, software tools, and technical expertise necessary to fully utilize the vast collection of digital planetary imagery.
Planetary researches in Kazakhstan (Planlab)
The studies of planets and other solar system bodies are described on a base of the researches in Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Physics of Fessenkov Astrophysical Institute (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan).
Radio Galaxy and Quasar Images
Images of extragalactic radio sources, mainly from the VLA
Remote Access Astronomy Project (RAAP)
The Remote Access Astronomy Project. The RAAP is an educational outreach program that promotes interest in science through providing astronomy educational resources. These include a series of digital image processing exercises to teach a variety of physical concepts as well as access to our computer controlled telescope allowing motivated students design and carry out their own experiments.
Rob's Astronomy Site
Amateur Astronomy including CCD Images, Astrophotography, Gas Hypering of film, Computer Controlled Telescopes. Night time cloud cover statistics.
SUBARU astronomical observatory
Japan national optical-infrared telescope at the summit of Mauna Kea. The site includes astrophotographs from Subaru.
Secrets of the Universe
Planets, Stars, Comets, Black Holes, The Big Bang, Space Photos, History of Astronomy, and much more.
Societe Astronomique de Liege (SAL)
This site of the Astronomical Society of Liege (Belgium) is completely in French.
La Société Astronomique de Liège vous propose: prochaines activités; actualité astronomique; images d'amateurs; liens astronomiques; informations sur la SAL, etc...
Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC)
The SDAC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center serves current solar ground- and spaced-based imagery, text, figures, maps, and tables of NASA eclipse bulletins, solar flare data from the Compton GRO BATSE experiment and the Yohkoh spacecraft, and science operations planning information for the SOHO Science Working Team.... and more to come.
Solar System in Pictures
Pictures of all the planets in the solar system. Picture quizzes about all the planets.
Solar UV Atlas from HRTS (HRTS data)
Through the generosity of Dr. Pål Brekke of the University of Oslo, the High Resolution Spectrograph and Telescope (HRTS) ultraviolet solar atlas is now available on the Web. Click here for more information.
Solar Voyager
Solar Voyager is an educational site featuring information about our solar system, along with interesting space artwork.
Solar, Auroral, Ionospheric, ... Information (Univ. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada)
Solar Imagery (mirrored from SELSIS/BBSO)-updated once every three hours; Daily Reports of Ionospheric Data containing M(3000), foF2, MUF(3000), and TEC; East-West Solar Interferometer Scan Images from the Algonquin Radio Observatory 32-Element Interferometer; Weekly Solar Terrestrial Forecast and Review Reports; Daily GOES-6 and 7 X-ray Plots as well as special high-resolution xray plots of major flares; Daily NSO solar coronal line emission plots; Daily Pseudo-Full-Disk solar coronal maps of the coronal Fe XIV and Ca XV ion lines from the NSO; and more... - README
INACTIVE LINK ? - 14 --- Space Art by M. Fusco (The Ace Artist's Gallery)
Original Space Art by Michele E. Fusco.
Space Art of Mark A. Garlick (
An on-line galley of astronomical art.
Space Movie Archive
A very large collection of space animations (more than 2000 video sequences). Here's the summary : Solar eclipses | Meteorology | Science-Fiction | Star Trek | Shoemaker-Levy | Solar system bodies | Satellites, rockets and space probes | Space | STS-71 Mir-Atlantis encounter | Astro 2 Endeavor mission | Apollo missions, etc.
Starlight Images (astro photos)
Posters of spectacular astro photos for sale. Free images for personal use. Time-lapse pictures of the Northern Lights (Aurora), Polaris and star trails over Sedona, Arizona by Michele Breedlove
The Galactic Gazetteer
The Galactic Gazetteer contains a database of around 13,000 stars that are viewable using our unique Stellavision 3d Java applet.
Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) Image Gallery
Gallery of three-color near-IR JHKs composite Atlas Images of interesting and beautiful objects from the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS).
USGS Flagstaff Space Mission Support
Browse the Solar System - Information about the Solar System and products created by the USGS. Current Activities, NASA Missions - Some of the NASA missions and other projects on which our scientists are currently working. Databases - Space mission databases maintained by USGS Flagstaff Field Center.
University of Oregon - CCD Images of Galaxies
This is a Gallery showing several types of galaxies that inhabit the Universe.
VRML 3D Interactive Map of Regional Galaxies (Galaxies in VRML)
This page is a representation of the nearest 150 or so galaxies for which both a visible distance estimate exists along with their red-shift values. They are represented as spheres in their appropriate positions and are color-coded to display their red-shift values. Names appear as you approach them. As you rotate this world you can clearly see a clustering/streaming affect and also a flattened fan-out starting at an area in the vicinity of The Milky Way. The VRML text was generated by a C++ program which parsed the CFA Redshift Catalogue, Version June 1995 (Huchra+1995).
Venus Revealed Images (Images of Venus and Venus exploration craft)
A choice selection of images of Venus and Venus exploration craft from the book Venus Revealed by David Grinspoon.
Video Astronomy by Craig Zerbe
Astrovid, Astroimaging Moon and Planets.
Video Astronomy by Craig Zerbe
Astroimaging using an Astrovid 2000 video camera. Examples and techniques for high resolution lunar and planetary images.
Views Of The Solar System
Views of the Solar System presents a multimedia adventure unfolding the splendor of the Sun, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and more.
Views Of The Solar System
Views Of The Solar System has been created as an educational tour of the solar system. It contains images and information about the Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteoroids found within the solar system. The image processing for many of the images was done by Calvin J. Hamilton.
Viking Mission to Mars - Online Resources (PDS Imaging Node. JPL. NASA)
A list of high quality, web-based resources related to the Viking mission to Mars. Includes direct links to the PDS-archived data stored on CD-ROM, as well as to browsers to view and search the data.
Virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars
This page contains MPEG movies and GIFs highlighting the visual distortion effects an observer would see in the high gravity environment of a neutron star or black hole (Schwarzschild metric). It is based on a refereed paper by Robert J. Nemiroff that appeared in the American Journal of Physics and is intended for educational use. The hypertext reviews several relevant aspects of gravitational lensing.
WFS Picture of the Week
The Picture of the Week every week at the site of the Wilhelm Foerster Observatory, Berlin, Germany. The page includes a description and a quiz [in German].
Web Nebulae
The emphasis here is on aesthetics, not science. While there is a little information to help you appreciate the images this is not a tutorial on the astronomy of nebulae. The intent is primarily to showcase a part of Nature's beauty that is accessible to us only via the telescope.
Welcome to the Planets
This is a collection of many of the best images from NASA's planetary exploration program.
pgperl is a version of the Perl 4.0 language which has been combined with the PGPLOT FORTRAN library, a very popular package for plotting astronomical data. (As a glance through any issue of ApJ or MNRAS will confirm.) The details of this involve some complicated C glue routines but are transparent to the user. perl is a real C-like language with full control structures, and is very fast and efficient. All the power of perl (and believe me that is a lot) is available to extract data to plot from multitudes of files in complicated free formats.

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